
郑娜1,2, 翟伟卜2, 张珊珊2, 张文蔚2, 简桂良2, 韩榕1,*, 齐放军2,*
1山西师范大学生命科学学院, 山西临汾041004; 2中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 北京100193

通信作者:韩榕;E-mail: hanrong@dns.sxnu.edu.cn, fjqi@ippcaas.cn;Tel: 0375-2051050, 010-62810635

摘 要:

生长发育、成熟衰老的合理调控是贯穿棉花生产始终的重要问题之一, 直接影响棉花的产量和品质。本文从不同方面分析了影响棉花成熟与衰老的因素, 阐述了棉花成熟衰老与其遗传特性、生长发育状况、营养状况、种植管理条件及遭受的逆境胁迫和病虫害侵染等有关。此外, 侧重介绍了我国棉花成熟衰老调控的主要策略, 即棉花种植区划与棉花种植品种熟性的相宜性、棉花生长发育的化学调控和“库源”比例调节、棉花早衰的系统防控技术和脱叶催熟技术等。在此基础上, 展望了进一步加强棉花成熟衰老相关领域的基础研究, 以合理有效调控棉花生长发育、成熟衰老的过程。

关键词:棉花; 成熟衰老; 调控策略

收稿:2014-04-17   修定:2014-07-16


Factors Affecting Cotton Maturation and Senescence Processes and the Corresponding Regulative Strategies

ZHENG Na1,2, ZHAI Wei-Bo2, ZHANG Shan-Shan2, ZHANG Wen-Wei2, JIAN Gui-Liang2, HAN Rong1,*, QI Fang-Jun2,*
1College of Life Sciences, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, Shanxi 041004, China; 2State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China

Corresponding author: HAN Rong; E-mail: hanrong@dns.sxnu.edu.cn, fjqi@ippcaas.cn; Tel: 0375-2051050, 010-62810635


Proper managements of cotton growth, development, maturation and senescence processes are crucial for the improvements of cotton yield and quality. This paper reviewed these factors which may significantly influence cotton maturation and senescence processes, including genetic properties, growth and development status, nutritional status, planting and management schemes, abiotic stresses and pathogens’ infections. In addition, the main strategies for proper regulation of cotton maturation and senescence were also introduced, such as: distribution of cotton planting region in adaptation with cotton maturity trait; chemical regulation of cotton growth and development status for establishing ideal cotton sink/source ratio; comprehensive technologies for prevention of cotton premature senescence and application of cotton defoliation and ripening technologies. Finally, the needs for more basic research and effective regulative technologies for controlling of the course of cotton maturation and senescence were discussed.

Key words: cotton; mature and senescence; regulative strategies

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